Recruiting Details

Job Details

●  ECE(homeroom) teacher

●  International school

●  Rizhao(beautiful coast), Shandong

●  Aug, 2023 start

●  Vacancy :1


●  native English speaker with education/child education prefer,

●  2 years kindergarten experience .

●  Salary: before tax 22k to 28K + rent allowance+ all holidays paid

Major Responsibilities:

●  7.30am - 4.00pm.

●  Be in the classroom at 7.45am to welcome and supervise children on their arrival.  

●  Be responsible for each child’s safety throughout the day and ensure a safe afternoon dismissal.

●  Be responsible for marking the register twice daily. This process includes:

●  Marking the register neatly and returning it immediately to the office (afternoon and morning). Understand that the register is an official document and that correct implementation of all marking procedures is adhered to.

●  Have a working knowledge of school Philosophy and objectives in order to link this understanding with developing international educational programmes.

●  Be able to work as part of a team developing an innovative curriculum based on the Foundation Stage from England, and student interests.

●  Have a flexible hands-on teaching style that embraces the inquiry method.

●  Cater for the individual needs of children.

●  Develop effective ongoing assessment techniques through observations, collating children files and the development of individual children’s profiles.

●  Write four reports (2 progress, 1 mid year and an end of year report) to parents each academic year.

●  Work co-cooperatively in the classroom with a Chinese co-teaching colleague.

●  Work co-cooperatively with all colleagues and Administrators.

●  Be able to approach and communicate effectively with parents through:

- Speaking to them directly in the classroom.

- Written daily communications in each child’s diary.

- Being willing to develop mini workshops and present (sometimes as part of a team) information to parents as the need arises.

- Regular newsletters to parents.

- Class letters.

●  Be proactive in the areas of toileting and dressing children in order to develop their independent skills.

●  Supervise afternoon naptime.

●  Ensure that library books are returned.

●  Manage teaching resources effectively

●  Know and understand all school health and safety procedures

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