Recruiting Details

Job Details

● Student age range: 6-15 years old (vacancies in primary school and middle school)

● Class size: About 5-10 students

● Weekly class time: Weekdays from Monday to Friday, 7:30AM-16:00PM working time, one hour break at noon, school lunch.

● Duration of each class: no more than 1 hour, has office hours, informal teaching time is planning time

● Expected starting time of foreign teachers: January, 2025

● Contract term: 1-3 years

● Natives

● Age prefers under 50


Payment terms

●Salary: 22K-30K (before tax), individual tax according to Chinese foreign teachers Tax rate calculation. 

●There is an annual performance review and a salary increase for good performance. If the teacher is particularly good, the salary can be increased. Salary level is calculated according to individual qualifications. 

● 2 months probation period, fully paid

● Get paid on the last day of the month

● The salary will be paid from the first month of employment, without delay

●Full pay winter and summer vacation. According to the school calendar, there are about 150 days of rest throughout the year (summer vacation is about 2 months, winter vacation is about 1 month, etc.), during the school calendar vacation, there is a salary, and the normal salary is paid

● Airfare allowance: Yes

● Is a work visa available: Yes

●Whether the visa is reimbursed, the amount and time of reimbursement: reimbursement of domestic residence permit processing fees, post-entry medical examination fees

● Whether a travel allowance is provided: No

● Whether holiday allowance is available: No

● Is health insurance available? Yes, hospitalization insurance is available

● Accommodation for foreign teachers: housing allowance, 3,000 yuan per month, the school can assist foreign teachers to find an intermediary to rent a house.

Does the foreign teacher apartment meet the standards of the Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs? Yes

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